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Missiongroup and cleanup


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As @Happenstance missionGroup gets deleted when the server ends. If you want a parentgroup which lasts through multiple missions you can test to see if it needs creating at either missionLoad/StartGame or mainMenu::onWake().

I tend to have a check in mainMenu::onWake() and create the group if it does not already exist or empty all the objects if the group is found (eg: you're back at the mainMenu because the whole game is over, so delete all the data that you've been saving in the group which will mostly be scriptObjects)


function MainMenuGui::onWake(%this)
   %group = masterCleanUp;
      %strat = new SimGroup(masterCleanUp);
		echo("\c4New masterCleanUp");
      %count = %group.getCount();
	   echo("\c4masterCleanUp already exists, empty it " @ %count);
	   if(%count > 0)
	      while(%count != 0)
	         %index = %group.getObject(0);
	            //echo("deleting " @ %index SPC %index.getName());
	         //remember the escape
	         %count = %group.getCount();
	      echo("masterCleanUp emptied");


Using that while() loop is actually a terrible way of doing this but hey :lol:

edit: should just use %group.deleteAllObjects();


function MainMenuGui::onWake(%this)
   %group = masterCleanUp;
      %strat = new SimGroup(masterCleanUp);
		echo("\c4New masterCleanUp");
      %count = %group.getCount();
	   echo("\c4masterCleanUp already exists, empty it " @ %count);
	   if(%count > 0)
	      echo("masterCleanUp emptied");


I'm gonna go change my code now ... :oops:

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simSets are lists of refs. simGroups are lists of actual objects. Kill a set, all you're doing is killing of a bunch of pointers. kill a group, everything's gone. (it's why stuff can be in multiple sets, but only one group)

Edited by Azaezel
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