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T3D in the future


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After dabbling a few months in UE4, I am back at T3D. Somehow UE4 jsut did not click for me. So I am thinking of going back to T3D, and it seems there is a new release soon. However, as it for sure will take quite some time to finish a game (if ever ;-)), I have a question: T3D at the moment is still using D3D9. Will this be a Problem in the (near) future? I mean, will newer machines maybe not be able to run a T3D game? I know, there is the source, so it can be changed to use D3D11 or whatever comes later....however I know for sure that I will not have the skills to do this. Will D3D9 only be a Problem in the future?

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T3D can already use dx10 and dx11 u just have to code it in yourself, there are a few gits with dx11 already implemented, not sure how far on they are but i think they work check azaezels git repo i think his has the dx11 git in it.

Just one thing, if u are going to code in dx10 or dx11 remember to put in an if statement that bypasses caps

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I touched on this in the 3.8 release thread once I got an OK to mention it.

Timmy's been doing work on Anis' DX11 and D3D9 refactor branches, to get them updated and rolling. He's been getting his work uploaded, and once it's all up, he'll open it up for everyone to help collaborate on. This should get us a baseline implementation of DX11 - it may not see tons of performance gains at first, but we can steadily improve it as we go. Having it in at all is the big first step.

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This should get us a baseline implementation of DX11 - it may not see tons of performance gains at first, but we can steadily improve it as we go. Having it in at all is the big first step.


rgr that one. I'm gonna reckon there will be some performance, considering drawcall overhead is def. reduced between DX9 and DX11 if your drawcall bound. Won't be as good as DX12/Vulkan/Metal but still should bring up to part with more-like GL drawcall perf.

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This should get us a baseline implementation of DX11 - it may not see tons of performance gains at first, but we can steadily improve it as we go. Having it in at all is the big first step.


rgr that one. I'm gonna reckon there will be some performance, considering drawcall overhead is def. reduced between DX9 and DX11 if your drawcall bound. Won't be as good as DX12/Vulkan/Metal but still should bring up to part with more-like GL drawcall perf.


What i have seen so far with performance is exactly what you said ;) . With less complex scenes DX11 outperforms DX9 (anywhere up to 20% range) but with huge complex scenes it's on par because other parts of T3D become the bottleneck and not the gfx calls. It's early days with dx11 so perhaps some more performance will be found, i have already fixed a few performance issues already.

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DirectX 9 has been used to make many good games such as Skyrim and Stracraft II. Hence people would be very angry if they could not play those games. I find it very hard to believe that support for DirectX 9 will go away very soon.


I just want to say that I am still able to run DX7 and OpenGL 1.1 in hardware. I doubt ISVs will stop supporting any api for a _very_ long time.

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