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Let's go to support God and Nemesis: of Ghosts from Dragons

A multiplayer open sandbox RPG with every asset created from scratch. This survival-based world will invite you and your friends to adventure the main storyline, side quests, unravel secrets, or create and play your own epic quests within a truly alien environment.

If you are interested in making video games then check out the Gods and Nemesis: The Making series which shows how to accomplish some basic concepts such as making 3D objects using free software such as Blender 3D.

Funds: https://www.gofundme.com/godsandnemesis

Developer: Chad L Meffert @Chadwee

- Steam Greenlight

- http://mefflabs.com

Who have the account for torque3d twitter or facebook? @Dwarf King?? I think we need to start go promoting a little more...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think a pretty good system would be that if anyone requests a tweet on the forums, or maybe has a promo/dev blog post here, then that's perfectly fine to throw a tweet up about.

If anyone has complaints about that, feel free to point them to me :)

OT: Pretty cool it got greenlit!

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