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  1. I've changed the eyeOffset to something other than 0 0 0 and it worked.
  2. Today, Torque's way of doing hitboxes suck. I mean, look at this: http://torque-3d.readthedocs.org/en/latest/_images/CharacterHitBoxOverview.jpg That's exactly the same way i use to do hitbox on the old Quake 1 engine and QuakeC. You have a big bounding box and you separate that into smaller pieces. Valve's way of doing hitboxes is much more efficient without wasting performance: http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/cswikia/images/c/c8/Csgo-hitboxes-20150915-update.png Where is most of the hitbox detection code in? Is it shoehorned into the player class in C++? Or is it spread over the physics abstractions? How are collision messages passed from client to server?
  3. This would be very nice to have, at least some basic bone manipulation example with curves. I'm trying to achieve the famous Overgrowth technique with T3D, inspired by this:
  4. So, i'm trying to replace the player arms and weapon model in first-person. I've made a new player_arms.dae file with the arms rigged to my skeleton, plus a player_pistol.dae containing the weapon attached to the hand bone, and no arms mesh. Finally, there's a few DAE files with the animations: idle, fire, etc. Everything works fine: the states, the animations, except for one thing: the model is rendered in a completely wrong position: http://imgur.com/VxWfenk That's me, in FP camera, looking down. That mesh over there is the player arms. I'm rendering in wireframe because they're below the ground. It seems to be rotated about 180 in the Z axis. Or something like that. My skeleton, the mesh and all the animations are correctly set up in the Y-Front, Z-Up orientation. And the scale is based on the original Torque player model. Any ideas of what i might be doing wrong here?
  5. If you go to the FP_Lurker.cs in the Full template, you'll see something like this: %this.renameSequence("ambient", "timeline"); %this.setSequenceCyclic("timeline", "0"); %this.addSequence("timeline", "root", "120", "121", "1", "0"); What's the purpose of this? Do all FP animations need to live in the same sequence?
  6. Is there a basic template with multiplayer functionality? Hosting a server, spawning players and allowing them to move around. I'm just starting and the "Full" template has too many legacy lines, including unnecessary stuff for my game. Unfortunately, the "Empty" one has nothing, not even prediction or something like that.
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